Artwork Statement
In summer 2016, Petra was adopted by 7 cats. They just walked into her house. It took Petra a while to deal with it, but their love and beauty convinced her and even more, they inspired her deeply.

Les Chats Noirs de Dubai
23k gold leaves on canvas

Painting and related art video
By scanning the QR-code the observer will see an art video regarding the same theme. Theme of the art video: Humans use the Snapchat filter to beautify themselves or to look like cute animals. In this video it’s the other way around: Animals beautify themselves and look like humans.
80 x 100cm, on canvas, acrylic, UV-printed , flower wreath, 2017, Dubai, UAE

Change of Powers
Petra Kaltenbach used 3D printed arabic patterns in combination with bright con-trasting colors to generate a welcoming atmosphere. The motif refers to the real ruler of the house – the cat.
If you are living with a cat you have to serve it.
120 x 150cm, on canvas, acrylic, UV-printed ,
23k gold leaves, 2017, Dubai, UAE

Black Magick
Petra’s artwork reflects on different ideas about cats. The superstition is one of them. The 3D technique gives her art-works a very special and unique touch.
100 x 100cm, on canvas, acrylic, UV-printed, 2017, Dubai, UAE

To integrate somewhere means a lot of understanding and love. In summer 2016, 3 kittens were born in the backyard of Petra’s house. They adopted Petra very fast and integrated themselves in the family life. The mixed media painting in its baby colors and broken structures re-flects the total innocence.
100 x 100cm, on canvas, acrylic, UV-printed, transparency paper, 2017, Dubai, UAE

Sweet Dreams
‘Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree Travel the world and the seven seas Everybody looking for something…’ (Sweet Dreams / Eurythmics)
60 x 60cm, on canvas, acrylic, UV-printed, 23k gold leaves, 2017, Dubai, UAE